Arena Rules | Gaia Online

Welcome to Gaia! :: Arena Rules

  • Arenas
  • Arena Rules
  • The Housing and Avatar Arenas allow you to submit your avatar and home layout to be reviewed and rated against other Gaians. All submissions to these arenas must follow the rules listed here, or else they may be disqualified.
  • At any time, you may submit your home or avatar for the next voting contest (which will begin the following Monday morning at midnight, PST). After a week-long voting period, the winners will be calculated at 7pm (again, PST) on Sunday evening, and the top 10 entries will be archived and put on display for all time.
  • Inappropriate Content

    All arena submissions must comply with the Gaia Terms of Service. That means no nudity, extreme violence, or inappropriate/sexual themes, please.

  • Cost

    Entering the Housing Arena is free, but making a submission to the Avatar Arena costs 1 Platinum.

  • Copyrighted Material Imitations

    Entries which imitate a copyrighted character or setting (for example, Edward Scissorhands or the Satellite of Love) will not automatically be disqualified, but if the copyright holder asks us to remove an entry from competition, we will honor their request. Proceed at your own risk!

  • Hired Goons

    Offering Platinum, items, or services to others to gain more votes or comments is not allowed. Asking nicely for votes and comments is fine, but paying for them is not. Similarly, running contests which offer prizes or financial gain of any kind cannot tie in with any arena advertisements you may post. By offering any chance of compensation to others for voting or commenting, you are violating arena rules, and your entry will immediately be disqualified.

  • Glitches

    No entries with major glitches will be allowed. In the Avatar Arena, this means no nude avatars, no invisible avatars, and no avatars with any other major glitches. Major glitches are typically something that would significantly affect the base model, or reveal something that was not meant to be seen. Minor glitches which do not greatly affect your avatar are permitted.

  • Prizes

    The only prize given for the Housing Arena is eternal fame and glory. For the Avatar Arena, the fame and glory comes with 243 Platinum for first place, 182 Platinum for second place, 121 Platinum for third place, and 60 Platinum for everyone from fourth place to tenth place.