Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Mexicali Dump
Comments (7 Comments)
  • LexOnFyr - 03/14/2010
  • It's not just a Mexican thing, guys. It's a WORLD-WIDE ISSUE. So, stop complaining about being offended by this, there's nothing to be offended about. There are lot's of piles of trash everywhere, not just in Mexico, Mexicali, Mexihoohaaa (I don't even know, haha), whatever.
  • Mike Christ - 12/08/2009
  • I like how everyone's so busy and looks uniform. Yep, it's just one big pile o' garbage. I'll send a 4/5 your way for this.

    @Darkness_Corpse_Slayer - It's because you're racist. I'm Mexican, too, and I find nothing offensive about this piece. Maybe if you stopped classifying people (including yourself) by their nationality, it'd stop bothering you.
  • Kostbarer Alptraum - 11/29/2009
  • This would make a great journalism photo, reminding us that although we have bigger issues at hand, there are small things we can do in our communities to change the world, such as producing less material waste, recycling more, etc.
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